Integrated Approach for Managing Diseases and Parasites in Small Ruminants - Hands-on Training for Farmers and Professionals
The purpose of this training session is to educate small ruminant producers and Extension professionals on the prevalent disease and parasite challenges that jeopardize small ruminant health and performance as well as human health, and an integrated approach to prevent these problems. Moreover, various treatment strategies will be discussed and demonstrated. Hands-on activities will include general health inspection, use of FAMACHA card, condition score, hoof inspection and trimming, taking temperature, medication (injections, drenching, topical), and fecal sample collection and examination. More information about the event is presented in the Program Flyer and Agenda.
8 AM to 4:30 PM, October 28, 2016
102 Mary Starke Harper Hall & CAENS Research
and Demonstration Facility, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088
Preregistration by October 21 (deadline extended) is required to participate in this event with the required payment ($25.00 if pre-registered by September 1; $30.00 after September 1, 2016) for management purpose. Registration can be made by visiting this link and filling the registration form online, and check should be sent to the designated address, or both completed Registration Form and check can be sent to the address given in the registration form. Please register quickly and secure your seat on time. Working lunch and a package of educational material including the FAMACHA card will be provided. If you are unable to pay the registration fee, but need to participate in the event, please email the event coordinator at: for possible scholarship.
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