Year-round Pasture, Sustainable Grazing, and Goat Herd
Ruminant livestock production in
Alabama is based on pasture. Highly productive and quality pasture persisting
throughout a year or most of the year is important for profitable livestock
enterprises. Most of the livestock producers in Alabama have warm-season
perennial pastures that produce from May to October and have negligible or no
production from November to April, when farmers need to invest considerably on
supplementary feedstuffs such as hay, agricultural byproducts, and commercially prepared feeds to sustain their livestock. Feeding supplement for 5-6 months each year is not cost-effective. The purpose of this field day is to educate and demonstrate Extension professionals and livestock producers on developing and managing year-round pasture system. Moreover, basics of goat herd health evaluation and care will be shared with the participants. This field day will be conducted on a goat producer’s farm, which has been involved in developing year-round pasture and managing the pasture with rotational grazing system. Participants will be able to see and experience how their livestock production system can be improved, and apply the useful practices on their farms.
Major Topics/Activities
- Forage establishment and
grazing management
- NRCS support for pasture
improvement and grazing management
- Producer’s experience – Importance
of pasture improvement and grazing management for sustainable goat
- Economic benefits of pasture
- Basics of managing a
healthy goat herd
- Field visit and hands-on: collect
and composite soil samples, identify different forages, measure the forage
height and calculate the available biomass, tour the pasture, observe
planting equipment, fencing, and facilities (shelter, watering, and
feeding), hoof trimming, FAMACHA
use, and body condition scoring
- Participant discussion, feedback, and evaluation
Venue: 36 County Road 40, Eufaula, AL 36027
Date: April 5, 2014
Time: 9 AM - 1 PM
Registration fee: None
Register by March 24 is required by sending the completed registration form as indicated in the form.
For driving direction and more information about the program, please see the program flyer and agenda.